A garden is often one of the greatest joys a person has in their life. After a long day they can peacefully enjoy their garden and enjoy being around greenery. Gardens can be enjoyed any time of day, and people who care and nurture for their gardens take great pride in knowing that they’ve created the garden with their own hard work and creativity. Most people long to be around nature more, and having a garden is one of the best ways to bring nature closer to home. Since most people who take the time to build a beautiful garden are environmentally conscious, taking a person’s garden to the next level involves incorporating recycled materials. Not only will reusing materials be less wasteful, it will also save on money and drastically improve the garden.
One: Compost
Using compost is the ultimate form of recycling that also is of great benefit to healthy soil. Compost has even been referred to as “black gold” because of how much it benefits a garden. It’s made up of leaves and scraps from twigs and other types of plants. Adding compost to the soil helps the soil’s moisture, thereby improving the growth and health of the plants. Composting can save money on what people might normally spend on fertilizer. It’s also a great way of disposing of extra plant clippings and leftover materials without having them go to waste.
Two: Takeout Containers For Vases
The pretty red and golden takeout containers that sometimes come with meals that are brought home have more use beyond just being pretty. They can be reused as vases or containers throughout the garden. Since these containers sometimes are hard to recycle, they can be reused in the garden instead. Plant seedlings in the containers and use them in the garden to provide a colorful touch.
Three: Buckets
In a similar vein, buckets can be used to plant larger plants. Buckets are large, sturdy, and easy to transport. They also are useful when it comes to planting vegetables like tomatoes or eggplants. Growing these vegetables in buckets can have a delicious payoff once the vegetables are ready to be picked and eaten.
Four: Old Stones
Old stones have a peculiar beauty, and in the organic environment of a garden they can add a touch of rustic beauty. Old stones can be used to line the garden, adding structure and visual variety to the greenery and dirt. Stones can be strategically used to cover up less visually appealing areas of the garden at very little cost.
Five: A Fence Made Out Of Recycled Materials
A fence made out of recycled materials is not something a person may see everyday, but it’s an effective use of recycled materials. Reusing plastic or wood to build a fence can be a creative way to recycle materials and cut down on waste. Wood fences, in particular, are a nice accent to a flourishing garden. Having a garden is a perfect excuse to create an area that has more rustic furnishings than any other area of a home.
Jana Stone is a Quality and Development Specialist at Rubber Bark and she oversees the production side of Rubber Bark’s many faceted production force.
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