On a list of things everyone experiences at one time or another, moving is probably low in the enjoyment factor. That's not to say moving isn't exciting. Starting a new chapter is great, eventually. But the actual move itself is something no one ever looks forward to. If you've been thinking about moving into a new apartment, it's time to make yourself a promise that this time will be different. You will not be a victim of the awful move! By using the following tips dealing with everything from hiring the right moving services to what months you should sign a lease in, you'll make Moving Day almost bearable. Kidding. It'll be great.
Move at the right time
There are a few things you want to keep in mind. If your current lease doesn't expire in the summer, or you don't have a current lease, look for apartments in the fall or winter. Every time of year has its pros and cons, but the idea of having less competition and thus potentially cheaper prices gives the winter months the edge. The selection may be smaller, but it's not as cutthroat. Try moving in the summer and see just how challenging it can be. It's not unusual to schedule to see an apartment, only to get a call an hour beforehand that it's been taken. Be prepared to put a deposit down at a moment's notice, especially if you've been looking for a little bit. Sometimes you just have to make the leap.
Look in the right places
You have to be strategic about where you look. Ideally you'll want to find an apartment with no broker fee. Now, apartment hunting without a broker is hard. Many property management groups work with brokers exclusively. Or if they don't, you're going to be working with brokers who can scour for rentals all day while you're stuck at work or taking care of the other aspects of your life in general. The odds are tough. But if you're tenacious, you'll save yourself a lot of money. After all, many brokers charge a month's rent for their services. Depending on where you live, that can be quite a bit. If you're not too picky, try renting directly from owners in private homes. Apartment buildings can be a bit trickier as they often work with brokers, but it doesn't hurt to try that route anyway.
Get your stuff there for less
Definitely shop around for moving services before committing to one. Your main goal here is reducing both cost and stress. You want decent rates while getting professional service. You also want to see if the moving company offers the packing supplies you need. Having them bring the supplies can save you time. Also be sure to check and see if they move long distance if you're doing some serious relocation.
Above all else, start planning early. While you can't really get an idea of what apartments are available much more than a month out, you can at least start doing research. Remember, you're far from the only person looking for an apartment. The competition is going to be tough so arm yourself with the knowledge you need to make moving painless.
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Peter Weathers is a blogger and real estate enthusiast. He enjoys learning trivia about a city's oldest buildings.